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Bid Classification: 
Bid Type:  Tender
Bid Number:  ENG21-38
Bid Name:  Tender for HIP Recycling Kingsway (MR 55) from Falconbridge Highway (MR 86); Falconbridge Highway (MR 86) to Radar Road (MR 85) and (MR 86) to Jack Pine Crescent Elm Street (MR 35) from Big Nickel Road to Clarabelle Road
Bid Status:  Awarded
Bid Awarded Date:  Wed Aug 18, 2021 (EDT)
Published Date:  Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:30:00 PM (EDT)
Bid Closing Date:  Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:30:00 PM (EDT)
Question Deadline:  Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:00:00 PM (EDT)
Time-frame for delivery or the duration of the contract:  Refer to bid document
Negotiation Type:  Refer to project document
Condition for Participation:  Refer to project document
Electronic Auctions:  Not Applicable
Language for Bid Submissions:  English unless specified in the bid document
Submission Type:  Online Submissions Only
Submission Address:  Online Submissions Only
Public Opening:  No

Contract ENG21-38, Tender for Hot In-Place Recycling Kingsway (MR 55) from Falconbridge Highway (MR 86) to 1.5 km east of Falconbridge Highway (MR 86) Radar Road (MR 85) from Skead Road (MR 86) to 100 m west of Jack Pine Crescent Elm Street (MR 35) from Big Nickel Road to Clarabelle Road.


Refer to the Bid Solicitation Document for all details, timelines and/or conditions, if applicable, regarding this procurement.


Refer to the Bid Solicitation Document for the Official Point of Contact.  All communications shall be done through the "Submit a Question" feature on  Verbal communications will not be binding on the City.  Bidders shall review the Bid Solicitation and shall promptly report and request clarification of any discrepancy, deficiency, ambiguity, error, inconsistency or omission contained therein through

Bid Document Access:  Bid document preview, bid opportunity, and award notices are available on the site free of charge. Suppliers are not required to register for a bid opportunity prior to previewing unsecured bid documents. Please note, some documents may be secured and you will be required to register for the bid to download and view the documents. To obtain an unsecured version of the bid document and/or to participate in this opportunity, an annual or a per bid fee must be paid (annual fee - $439.90, per bid fee - $132.04).
Trade Agreement Description:  Show Trade Agreement Description [+]
Categories:  Show Categories [+]
  • Construction
    • Roads, Bridge, Sidewalks

Meeting Locations

The following are the meeting times and locations for the bid:

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This information is only available to invited bidders and registered plan takers. To view this information you must login to your account.
This information is only available to invited bidders and registered plan takers. To view this information you must login to your account.


The following are the awarded vendors for the bid:

​No Awarded Vendors

Bids Submitted

The following are the unofficial bid results

The City did not receive any bids for this Bid Solicitation.

Plan Takers

The following are the plan takers for the bid:

There are no plan takers for this bid.
This information is only available to invited bidders and registered plan takers. To view this information you must login to your account.